Tuesday, 14 September 2010

My friend

This blog is about one of my friends on panfu his name is johncenafan9 he is coll and funny . These are some of his fav things football , black , blue , p.e and panfu .
I chose to write about him because he is one of the many people who read my blog and to all the people who read this thanks for reading if you see johncenafan9 tell him you saw him on my blog
see ya later
(the clolours are just me talking not other people it makes the blog more colourful )

Sunday, 8 August 2010

i need help

hi readers i need your help with my blog i have no idea what to write about so if you have an idea plz tell me in the comments plz and thank you

Friday, 6 August 2010

panfu's bollys

Hi guys I am sorry I have not been on in a wile I have been out doing things . This blog is about the bollys which one do you have tell me in the comments . These are the first pets in panfu I have the red and a black . The bolly is a nice pet you can walk them and feed them and play with them but if you dont feed them they will run away so remember FEED THEM .

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The pokopets

In panfu we have these cool pets no not bollys no not woobys its pokopets here are the pics of all of them . This is a woody i have to go so see you later

A tour of panfu

This blog is a tour of panfu I have took pics of me in these places wich are just some of the places to the bottom right is the inside of the cave I am the panda waving . To the left is san franpanfu I like to go there to go in the salon and the cafe try to spot me in all the pics for fun . The top right is the pool I like to hang out and chat to my friends and play a game called bolly hop . I hope you enjoyed the tour and I hope you visit some of these places and mutch mutch more bye bye for now :)

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

My tree and My look

On the right is my panda i love to make her look fab . The pic on the right is my tree i love to decrate it it is so fun to hang out in it with my friends and PARTY with some pandas that are not my friends but soon will be i love to visit my friends tree and have a laugh with them see ya soon haliak.

Monday, 19 July 2010

what i do in panfu

One of the things I do in panfu is decrate my tree in this pic its not my tree I got it off google I am a gold panda witch means I can decarate my tree its cool . Another thing I do is change my look this pic above is from the clothing catalog . In the comments will some of you maby tell me the things you do and stuff . I also like to hang out at the pool and talk to my friends bye bye for now .