Tuesday, 14 September 2010

My friend

This blog is about one of my friends on panfu his name is johncenafan9 he is coll and funny . These are some of his fav things football , black , blue , p.e and panfu .
I chose to write about him because he is one of the many people who read my blog and to all the people who read this thanks for reading if you see johncenafan9 tell him you saw him on my blog
see ya later
(the clolours are just me talking not other people it makes the blog more colourful )


  1. hello your blog is cool and Im from to finland :D

  2. And Welcome to Musipandanblogi! It is finnish panfu and reads my blog! THANK YOU!!!!

  3. Coud someone read my blog?!


    there was address, and I'm from Finland too...
    I write about panfu and Finland.

  4. Hi its cool i think i have meet jhoncena9 well my bro does the work and my sisis name is Panfu_Selena its great every awsome see ya around :)

  5. Hai!
    I was wondering if you could follow my blog?
    I like yours! Its very creative!
    Heres the link: http://teddyrulz.blogspot.com/
